Ruta Pirineus. El cor dels Pirineus, l’essència de la traspirenaica

Recorre els millors ports d´Espanya i França, viu les zones més impressionants dels Pirineus

del 04 al 08 de setembre


5 Dies | 4 Nits

Ruta Total

2340 Km

Tipus de ruta



On road (100% Asfalto)

Temps de conducció

Depèn de l'etapa, sempre gaudint de descansos i aturades durant el viatge

Inici i fi de ruta

L'inici és Alacant, si no et va bé, podem veure'ns al primer hotel a Candanchú. O bé, pots dir-nos des d'on surts i unir-te a la ruta


Inclòs (possibilitat d'escollir tipus d'habitació)

Gastronomia inclosa

Dinar/ dinar dia 1 etapa.
Tots els sopars i esmorzars del viatge.

Pla de ruta

Dia 0
Briefing explicativo

Realitzarem un Briefing, explicatiu de la ruta, a les instal·lacions de Mediterranean Routes, es transmetrà també Online. Serà portat a càrrec pel nostre road Líder: Miquel Àngel T T, director de Riders Club Of Adventure, on s'explicarà pas per pas totes les etapes, material necessari i recomanat, consells, i respondrem tots els vostres dubtes.

1r día | 04 de Septiembre
Mediterranean Routes – Candanchú, Huesca (8 h, 670 Km)

Sortirem al matí, des de les instal·lacions de Mediterrània Routes. Anirem directes fins a Segorbe, on farem un esmorzar/dinar, per tenir forces per a tota la resta de l'etapa, ja que es tracta d'una de les etapes més llargues, un cop acabat, ens introduirem per l'interior de la Comunitat Valenciana i Aragó , fins a Saragossa, i arribar a Candanchú, discorrent l'etapa, per increïbles paisatges i carreteres. Ens vam allotjar, estratègicament a Candanchú, per al matí següent poder visitar els principals cims de la Transpirinenca.

2º día | 05 de Septiembre
Candanchú, Huesca – Puertos de Francia – Benasque, Huesca (7 h, 353 Km)

Aquest dia de ruta, és increïble, després de despertar-nos i esmorzar en un enclavament excepcional, ens dirigim cap al cor del Pirineu Francès recorrent 353 km (Col De Marie – Blanc, Col d'Aubisque, Col du Tourmalet i Col d'Aspin), entrant per Ainsa, per una carretera preciosa, que no us deixarà indiferents. Aquest dia ho gaudireu moltíssim. Finalitzem aquest dia al nostre Hotel Base de Benasc, on ens allotjarem els següents 3 dies. Per això no caldrà moure equipatge, guanyant així molta lleugeresa i comoditat.

3r día | 06 de Septiembre
Benasque, Huesca – Pirineo Español – Benasque, Huesca (8h, 350 Km)

Aquest dia, després d'esmorzar, ens embarcarem en una ruta circular preciosa, de 350 km, on visitarem l'essència pirinenca, a la zona d'Espanya. Passant per Broto, Formigal. Visitarem la increïble Cascada de Sorrosal, el casc històric d'Ainsa. Aquest dia és per al gaudi dels sentits, ja que estarem contínuament envoltats de paisatges increïbles, ja que anirem vorejant el Parc Natural d'Ordesa i Monte Perdido, Pico Aneto, i recorrent una de les zones més impressionants del Pirineu. Arribarem al nostre Hotel Base a mitja tarda, per poder gaudir d´un merescut descans i qui ho prefereixi de la piscina o Spa, abans d´un meravellós sopar de Grup.

4º día | 07 de Septiembre
Benasque, Huesca – Pirineo Catalán – Benasque, Huesca (6 h, 300 Km)

La ruta d'aquest dia ens portarà des de Benasc al Pirineu de Lleida, on trobem els paisatges més sorprenents de la ruta Transpirinenca, aquells que hem vist en tantes fotos i que per poder viure, Envoltarem el Parc Nacional d'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici i Parc Natural de l'Alt Pirineu, per gaudir curvejant del mític Port de la Bonaigua, arribant a Vielha, on visitarem els seus voltants, i gaudirem d'un merescut descans. Tornarem a Benasc visitant diferents enclavaments romans, desconeguts però impressionants, que trobem al Pirineu, entre ells la catedral més petita d'Espanya i la primera Catedral construïda a Aragó.

5º día | 08 de Septiembre
Benasque, Huesca – Mediterranean Routes (8h, 670Km)

Aquest dia és el dia de tornada a Alacant, o qualsevol ciutat des d'on vulgueu acudir, des de Benasc. On plantejarem una ruta ràpida i còmoda, però combinant carreteres principals i carreteres secundàries.

Recorre els ports de muntanya més impressionants dels Pirineus

Viu l'essència motard dels Pirineus, hem creat un viatge motard per poder gaudir del cor de la transpirinenca. Des de la nostra base a Benasc, recorrerem els millors ports, paisatges i carreteres del Pirineu. Viatja amb comoditat i lleugeresa, en un recorregut espectacular i dissenyat per gaudir-ne.

Allotjament inclòs

  Allotjament a Candanchú, (Règim Mitja Pensió) 1º Nit

  Allotjament a Benasc, Osca. (Règim Mitja Pensió) 2n, 3r i 4t Nit

  Hotels: SOMMOS Hotel Aneto**** i SOMMOS Hotel Benasque Spa***

  Hotels de 4* categoria superior, amb restaurant, serveis i piscina


  Lloguer de moto Nous models BMW GS amb 3 maletes (Opcional)

  Reserva i Allotjament a Hotels amb règim Mitja Pensió (Sopar i Esmorzar)

  Guia Professional durant tot el viatge

  Briefing informatiu de tots els aspectes del tour

  Pack de Benvinguda

  Dossier commemoratiu Ruta

  Assegurança de Viatge Premium (Opcional)

  Assistència telefònica 24 hores de Mediterranean Routes

  Assistència a la carretera 24/7 amb l'assegurança de la moto de Lloguer

  Trasllat de l'aeroport/Hotel a l'inici del tour per recollir la moto de lloguer

No incluye

  Benzina i Peatges

  Bitllet d'avió

Ruta Pirineus. El cor dels Pirineus, l’essència de la traspirenaica


Out of stock

Pay in installments safely



Medical and health care

A team of experts will be at your disposal in case you need medical and health assistance. Because you never know what can happen. It is important to travel calm and protected knowing that in the face of any mishap, which affects your health, you will be able to be taken care of.

Medical and health care 35,000.00 euros
Dental expenses Maximum of 30.00 euros
Medical or pharmaceutical expenses in case of illness exceeding 9.00 euros
Repatriation or medical transport of injured or sick The entire cost
This guarantee is for those cases in which you are injured or sick and have to be transported to your home. An incident close to home is an ARAG Tourists for Spain 5 situation that you can control, but being far away everything is more complicated. With ARAG, you will not have headaches. We take care of your transfer so that your recovery is close to your home, as long as the medical team so indicates.
Repatriation or transport of other insured family members indicated at full cost
In the event that you are repatriated or transferred due to illness or accident and this situation prevents the other insured persons from continuing the journey, ARAG will take care of the transport to your home or place of hospitalization.

General Conditions

Repatriation or transport of minors The entire cost
In the event that you are repatriated or transferred, due to illness or accident, if you are traveling with the only company of children under the age of 15, ARAG will organize the travel of a hostess or a person designated by you so that she can accompany them in the return to the address.
Travel of a family member in case of hospitalization The entire cost
With this guarantee, ARAG will transfer the person you designate to accompany you in case you are hospitalized. To do this, the hospitalization will need to be for a period of more than 10 days.
Up to 720.00 euros (72.00 euros x 10 days)
Convalescence at the hotel
This guarantee will help you in those situations where you are injured or ill and cannot return to your home due to medical advice. ARAG will take care of the accommodation expenses during the recovery at the hotel for a maximum period of 10 days and up to the contracted limit in the policy.
Repatriation or transport of the dead insured The entire cost
This guarantee applies in the event of the insured’s death while travelling. ARAG will take care of the repatriation to the place of burial and, according to the legal requirements, will cover the expenses.
Early return due to death of a family member The entire cost
This guarantee will help you to return, early, due to the death of a family member. ARAG will take care of the expenses so that you don’t have to worry about management at such complicated times.
Early return due to hospitalization of a family member The entire cost
If you hospitalize a family member, your transfer will be covered and you can interrupt your trip to be with them. To do so, it must be the result of an accident or serious illness that requires internal care for a period of more than 5 days and that occurred after the start of the trip.
Search, location and delivery of lost luggage The full cost
This guarantee applies to the loss of your baggage on scheduled flights. ARAG will make every effort to try to locate your luggage and will keep you informed of progress. If located, you will receive it free of charge.
Delay in delivery of checked baggage 60.00 euros
This guarantee will help you with the purchase of essential items in those cases of a delay in the delivery of the luggage of 12 hours or more. With this contracted guarantee you will be able to buy essential items, upon presentation of the corresponding invoices.

Excluded from the coverage of this policy are those countries that, during the trip or displacement of the insured, are in a state of war or place, insurrection or war conflict of any kind or nature, even if they have not been officially declared and those that specifically appear on the receipt or in the particular conditions.

It is expressly agreed that the insurer’s obligations arising from the coverage of this policy end as soon as the insured has returned to his usual residence or has been admitted to a health center located at most 30 km away of the aforementioned address.

If it is not possible to contact the company through the usual channels, the insured can communicate with ARAG by using the WhatsApp application through the phone 670425960. This system can only be used in the first contact with the company and under no circumstances may personal data or documents of any kind be sent to each other in order not to contravene the current personal data protection regulations.

Of course, these routes are planned 100% asphalt, and are organized to be able to follow the checkpoints, through the gps, or the corresponding gps application. It should be noted that we accommodate all types of motorbikes, but due to the daily km, motorbikes from 250 c.c. are recommended. Your experience can make you enjoy all our trips, they are accessible routes for any pilot.

We will cover an average of 250 or 300 km per day on full-time days. Photographic, gastronomic and rest stops are planned at all times to enjoy our motorbike but also the areas we visit, and have time for everything and be able to regain strength. It is calculated between 4 and 6 hours of daily driving.

The wardrobe is informal, in our facilities, we have equipment for rent, such as Helmets, Jackets and Gloves. If you already have this equipment, you only need to bring your helmet, and motorcycle riding gear, and according to the methodology also rain gear. Before the start of the tour we will send you our specific travel manual with useful information about the tour and the clothes they should wear.

On all our trips and events, both the pilot and the companion must wear, at least, those pieces of protection required for use by the DGT. However, we recommend the use of appropriate protective clothing for greater comfort and safety.

We recommend bringing waterproof clothing and a second pair of gloves when the forecast is for rain.

Yes, it is mandatory in addition to being a fundamental element of security.

-Europe: A passport is not required for participants from EU countries, however, it is recommended to have one. For participants from countries outside the EU, it is mandatory that they bring their passport with them.

-In all trips that take place or take place in whole or in part, outside the EU, all participants need a passport with a minimum validity of 6 months and/or corresponding visas

– Motorcycle driving license: For EU citizens, your license is valid in all member states, Turkey and Morocco, for all other nationalities you need to have the international driving license. For non-EU citizens, an international driver’s license is mandatory, in each country it can be issued by the Automobile Club or the corresponding ministry.

In all cases both the passport and the driver’s license must be valid.

You must always indicate your nationality when booking international routes, as there are countries that may require a visa for entry.

If the tour is in Morocco, all participants must have a valid passport with a minimum validity of at least 6 months.

yes Mediterranean Routes will design a tour based on your needs. You can choose the zone, region, days and itinerary you would like to do. From here, our team of guides will design the best route for you to enjoy your experience to the fullest. To be able to take a private tour, a minimum number of participants is required. For more information, contact us.

Mediterranean Routes has civil liability insurance and a surety bond.

In addition, through our Joly Motor rental company, Insurance is available for all vehicles. Outside the national territory, we also carry the green card and the update from our insurer.

If you want to take out additional travel insurance, contact us.

We always advise on the level that suits each participant best for more comfort and enjoyment of the bike. All trips are classified by Low, Medium or High driving levels. There may be different levels on the same route.

We will receive you at our facilities or at the hotel, depending on the type of trip. This does not mean that there is a fixed start time, we will wait for all the participants to arrive to explain the approach of the trip.

An initial briefing will be held, explaining traffic rules, stages, routes, timetables, the route is explained, the places we pass, weather and temperature, we will deal with all these topics and, of course, we will exchange motorcycle experiences.

We offer various forms of payment, credit/debit cards and bank transfer. The initial deposit to confirm the reservation will be as follows. However, for the rest of the amount, you can pay (Euro currency) on the spot on the day of delivery of the motorcycle.

Yes, the date will not be an inconvenience. If you are a group of 3 or more motorbikes, you can contact us so we can make the trip on the date you want (subject to availability).

If the proposed trips are not what you expect, don’t worry. We will advise you taking into account your needs, interests, budget and availability.

We will organize this unique trip for you, we adapt to what you are looking for. Without any other requirement than to contact us at:

Of course! All our trips and events can be accompanied. In addition, the price of the companion is always reduced. Motorcycle tourism is better if it is shared.

For self-guided trips, there is no maximum or minimum number of motorbikes, 1 to 10 motorbikes are recommended, to have good group control.

On organized trips, the minimum number of motorcycles is 3 to make the trip, but the maximum will always be 10 motorcycles to guarantee a personalized treatment and thus adapt to each particularity.

If you do not reach the minimum of 3 bikes, the organization will cancel the event with a minimum of 10 days and 100% of the amount paid will be returned.

All our hotels have been selected by the Mediterranean Routes team, visiting the facilities, guaranteeing the quality of the service.

Most hotels have private covered parking. Those who do not have the possibility to count on this service have their own, guarded area to park our vehicles or are located in risk-free areas.

On organized trips, the minimum number of motorcycles is 3 to make the trip, but the maximum will always be 10 motorcycles to guarantee a personalized treatment and thus adapt to each particularity.

If you do not reach the minimum of 3 bikes, the organization will cancel the event with a minimum of 10 days and 100% of the amount paid will be returned.

Unfortunately, we cannot control the weather. If extreme adverse weather conditions occur, the tour leader(s) will make the decision to cancel the route for that tour day and preserve the nature of the rest of the tour as much as is feasible.

Depending on the route and the duration of the route, in some it is included breakfast and dinner and in others only breakfast. Don’t worry, a few days before departure the organization can provide you with information on the approximate amount of money needed on the route for meals, petrol.

correct We have a van service, which can be hired on tours for companions, and on organized tours, it will assist us as a support and storage vehicle.
